Sacramento Cast and Blast | Book
a Trip

One day guided drift fishing on the Lower Sacramento River and one day guided hunting at Clear
Creek Sports Club.
Home to the largest population of wild rainbow trout in California, the Lower Sac provides great year-round
fishing opportunities. The blizzard caddis catch heralds the arrival of Spring and signals the beginning
of the catching season on the Lower Sac. Fishing remains steady throughout the summer months due to constant
water temperature releases from Keswick Dam. Our favorite time to fish the river is during the fall and
winter. When the salmon are spawning it’s not uncommon to catch multiple trophy trout over 20”.
During the fall and winter, it is also possible to
catch steelhead en route to the hatchery on Battle Creek.
Guided hunting is available seven days a week from November through May. Hunting is over pointing dogs,
in fields reserved exclusively for our use at Clear Creek Sports Club's 1400 acre ranch behind the Rolling
Hills Casino or their 320 acre ranch in Corning. Full day hunts, or half day hunts with half day bass
fishing is available. New johnboats with trolling motors are available for use on the Club's 57 acre
bass pond. Accommodations at the newly remodeled club lodge are available.
One day hunting license is available for $15.00 from Clear Creek Sports Club. Birds are not included
in the price of a guided hunt: pheasant are $25.00 per bird, 10 chukkar are $135.00, 10 quail are $95.00.