Meet the Fish First! retail, instructors and guide staff.
Announcements Fish First! guides' articles published. Hogan
Brown has an article on selecting a beginning fly fishing outfit and a fly tying article featuring
his S.S. Worm. Doug Lovell has an article on
the striped bass policy in the Bay-Delta. Click
here for the articles..
Need to get the word out concering fisheries and watershed conservation issues and clean-ups?
Send us an email and we will post it here Conservation
Bulletin Board.
Our Chico store has moved ! Come check out our new location in the Mangrove shopping center near Safeway - 766 Mangrove Ave. We're only 5 minutes from the old shop. It has easy access, lots of free parking, and no downtown traffic. Expect the same people and same great service. Click here for a map and directions.
Trout season has arrived. Many rivers are in very good shape already. As expected, the tailwaters and spring creeks are fishing well, with runoff affecting the smaller higher elevation streams. It's going to be an early season so get your gear ready and start planning some great trips. Let us know how we can help out. Tight lines
Hot and What's Not™ fishing report Updated 10 May 2018. The most comprehensive
flyfishing report for Northern California on the web. Help
keep WH&WN™ the
most honest, accurate, and up-to-date fishing report in Northern California. Send
us the results of your latest fishing trip.
First! News We welcome Don Muelrath to our staff. Fish First has teamed with Fly Fishing Adventures to provide the finest in flyfishing travel. We look forward to Don's monthly slide presentations in our shops. Look at our worldwide travel destinations Fish First Travel.
30% off Clearance Sale. Plus 50-60% of selected demo rods !
Shop Fish First! Check out the wide selection and price range of quality
fishing merchandise available at our
Albany and Chico stores. See what our stores look like. Peak inside the Albany
store, Chico store.